I believed then... that I couldn't draw.
I know now that anyone can draw.
I believed then... that waterbabies were real.
I know now how beautifully innocent my daydreams were.
I believed then... that hardwork pays off.
I know now just how true this is.
I believed then... that I would have many babies.
I know now that 2 was enough.
I believed then... that we would be relevant and vital forever.
I know now just how fragile life actually is.
I believed then... that you can only call yourself an artist when you sold your artworks.
I know now that you are what you do and the rest will follow.
I believed then... that who I was would always be more valuable than what I possessed.
I know now that life can be cruel but those who really love, who I am really is more valuable.
I believed then... that wisdom was in my words.
I know now that sometimes true wisdom is in the silence.
I believed then... that words told me something.
I know now that actions speak louder than words ever will.
I believed then... that I didn't have choices.
I know now that my calling has always been up for the taking.
I just had to step up!