I started this year off with a mission... My journey back to health!
Who knew that unhappiness and stress could lead to such an unhealthy way of life. From a lifetime of being active, I have never really had major weight issues. But for the 1st time ever my weight was out of control. Our last winter in the city almost did us in... it was bitter! Our training regime stopped, eating habits weren't good and our stress levels were through the roof. We were in hectic survival mode. And I guess we were comfort eating and didn't even realise it. I think at some point it stopped being about comfort but became habitual and maybe even a coping mechanism. Whatever it was.... We were officially unhealthy!
I came home in probably the worst condition I have ever been in... hugely overweight, the heaviest I have ever been not pregnant. Unfit. Iron levels at an all time low.... the list goes on.
As soon as we arrived home in Cape Town - both my hubby and I started exercising again. Doing a mirade of different things from surfing, walking, running, hiking, spinning and aerobics. I didn't mind what it was - as long as I was doing something. I can live with being slightly overweight but being able to run 10km comfortably is the greatest gift you can give yourself!
I found myself at the doctor last week because I had picked up a viral infection (spreading like wildfire this winter) which lead them to do a mirade of tests. Which in hindsight was a blessing because I got the lowdown on how my health has improved... So it's taken 8.5 months and I am happy to report my health is back on the up and up. My iron levels are up 7points = greater energy levels. My blood pressure is good. Immune system is stronger. I have managed to loose 7kg {15.5 lbs} and although my training has slowed a bit through winter, I am still fit! I am reminded that there are no quick fixes in this life... sometimes the journey back is just that - the journey. The plugging in. The pushing through! And it's in the descipline and the obdience to these things that we reap the rewards!
In a nutshell - Mission accomplished! And the best part is that this little heart of mine is not only healthy again but also extremely HAPPY!!!