Saturday, 11 August 2012

The week at a glance...

Detox week.  Wow it is tough to detox in the coldest week of our winter.  I have no problem giving up chocolate, bread or sugar  but giving up coffee was a tough call.  As the week moved on, I was feeling quite ill, so I headed to the doctor yesterday and discovered I have a viral infection in my inner ear and my 2nd left rib... don't ask - I have no words to explain that one.  I also have a magnesium deficency and it's this that has been making me feel so grotty.  There is no quick fix, just time and rest.  Which also means no running or walking for 5-10 days!

Yeah, we finally got to see #Brave and I loved every minute of it.  I just loved her personality and her beautiful hair.  I think every girl wishes they had a mane of hair just like hers.   I loved this Scottish tale and music... very special to my hubby and I because it's where we got engaged.  I loved the sentiment between the mother-daughter relationship.  And the moral of the story... the art of communication and the gifts that come with listening to each other and honouring each other.  And the fruits that come from that.
    Project #40 - #2.  I picked my theme for my number 2 of 40 and I chose "CHILDHOOD" from my Unfurling Self Portrait list.  I was a bit taken aback but the emotions that came up for me during this week around this theme.  I am still writing about it under Project #40.  This is a self-portrait of me when I was baby.  My girls love this picture of me.  I am seriously challenged by the art journaling but kind of loving the creative play and new techniques that's coming with this project.  Nevermind the personal discovery.
      OpenStudio Workshop.  I have been using delay tactics but I have finally started.  I started with the Painting Module because this is what I will be doing in my IRL course with Misty.  I don't paint with Acrylics so I am hugely challenged.  Much to lear before I go.  I am also experiementing with what I learn and applying them to my Oils - my true love.  So I worked through my 1st two instructional video's and applied them... One with Oils and one with Acrylics, pics to follow soon.  I have a few assignments to work through but looking forward to the new growth.

      Commision work.  I have been working hard on this commission for about two weeks.  I am much further than this picture is showing but I am only going to share it here when she's finished!  I have made steady progress this week.  She hasn't been easy but she is evolving and she is starting to emerge.  Encouraged.  I am hoping to work on some other paintings tomorrow while she's busy drying.  Have much to do but more posts about that tomorrow!!!


      1. Oof I hope you start feeling better fast! That viral infection and the rib thing sound like no fun. :( I'm excited to see the finished commission, though, as well as the loveliness you're working on with Misty!

      2. Thanks Beth. For both things. Hoping to feel better by next week. I don't have time to be down in the dumps. I will keep you posted with my art projects. I am nervous to share so keep encouraging me so I don't completely hide under a rock forever. Have a beautiful day!

        1. I can understand feeling nervous because it's so vulnerable...but I love your work! It's too beautiful to hide under rocks. :)
