Sunday, 12 May 2013

A Little Trip to the City!

As most of you know - I left Johannesburg 18months ago, thinking I would probably never return... yes Johannesburg was that difficult for me that going back, even for a visit wasn't going to happen.  But it's true, they say "never say never" because this week I found myself there for work... I added one more day to this work trip so that I could see my family.  What was awesome for me to see, that there has been a level of healing in my heart because being back wasn't difficult, at all!  I didn't expect that.  I guess I was ready and without really knowing it.  With such limited time and limited transport, it was a bit tough but I went with a very specific agenda, all of which was achieved.

Thursday started with Lyndi fetching me from the airport and we had such a lovely catch up and a quick trip to see her new home on the way into the office.  I just wish we had had more time to catch up. It was great being at the office and I managed to finish everything I needed to.  My Mama came to fetch me after work and I spent the evening with my folks on the farm.  I got to see my brother and his family too.  Happy to say I have come home with a heap of Goat's and Sheep Cheese.

My brother took me to Billi Bi on Friday to see my very dearest friends, Sonia and Rene for breakie.  Sonia and Clifford own Billi Bi's, the sweetest little French Cafe where we spent many hours when we lived there.  After breakfast, Rene and my brother left and I spent the rest of the morning with my buddy, Sonia catching up and sharing stories from the year.  I miss my dear friends!  Later Annie joined us there for lunch.  I met Annie on my Face2Face Art Course and we wanted to meet each other "face2face"... hahaha that's quite funny because we will be doing some collaborative pieces together.  We exchanged a piece of art and shared bits of our stories.  I had the best day!  Saying goodbye to my dearest friend, Sonia was tough going.  It will never be something I get used to... just wish we had had more time.

Meeting Annie

Annie loved my piece called "Butterfly Dreams" so I brought that for her.
And Annie kindly painted this beautiful Lady in Pink esp for me.
Feel so touched to have another Annie Original.

"Red Lady" - went to live with Sonia

My Mama collected me around 2pm from Billi Bi's to head back to the farm to spend my afternoon touring the Cheesery and Farm (which has changed so much in 18months).  I love what they are doing and have achieved.  My folks are quite remarkable!

I was happy to be heading home.  I never find it easy being away from my little chickens even though I know it's good for them to have a change of pace, change of routine and good for them to miss me a bit! 

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