Monday, 6 May 2013

That totally made my day...

WOW - this beautiful girl is coming to live with meeeee.

She's painted by one of my fav artists, Francesca Di Leo.  I first discovered her on the OpenStudioWorkshop hashtag on Instagram and her work took my breath away.
Every time I see her work... I think to myself... "ahh man, one day I hope to paint like this".
To me her work just feels so creative and so arty!

I remember when Francesca painted this girl and I loved her immediately and today Francesca mentioned that she's sending these PostCards out.

I had no idea that I would be receiving one and one of my absolute favourites too.
I'm speechless!  Thrilled!!  I can't wipe the smile off my face!

Thank you Frannie!  Seriously!