Monday, 24 February 2014

#InMyStudio - bits of creative play

It feels like getting "down-time" and time InMyStudio is a bit of a luxury at the moment.
It's been so busy!  Too busy.  Desperately trying to get a grip of time running my life.

Photographic homework
Discovering a whole bunch of new phone iphotography apps. 
This week was learning about depth of field and focus!
Loved it.  Plan to play more.
Still seeking The Quiet every moment I can
Journal Homework
I haven't done my homeage art journal yet.
I am still busy filling my pages in my OldBook - which I'm just loving at this stage.
Filing my OldBook, one page at a time
Painting Homework
I was so moved by Week 4's Sunflowr Spontaneous homework and I had been hoping to paint this all week.
I had a collage all ready and waiting.  After some creative play in my OldBook...
I grabbed my brush before excuses got in the way.
I have to say - what a joy to paint this... it was supposed to be fast, fun and spontaneous!
And it was.  I switched between my paints and neocolors.  Such free play!  LOVED it!
I have another flowr painting planned... but here's the WIP shots.

Wow - after a tough week - she really did bring some sunshine into
my day and really cheered me up!
So loved using the blue in this piece.
For years my daughter has been asking me what's my favorite color and
for years I have just always answered "you" because truth be told, I just didn't know.
I liked certain colors like Red but I wasn't sure it was my fav.
But I think I finally know - that I absolutely love this BLUE, as you can see above.
And when I play with my Neo's it's always the first color I go for!
It's been a long journey to get to this point.
But I am so loving that this color is coming into some of my paintings.
I guess it's part of discovering who I am!  It's totally in the small things! :-)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Family, birthdays, weddings and then some...

It's been a busy two weeks with family gatherings and weddings and and and...
Digz family are out from Canada for a long overdue visit.  5 Years has been a long stretch.
And timing was perfect because it was Digz' older sister's wedding.

It was a beautiful and special celebration!
Being a mature wedding - it had such a real and special vibe!
There was such a deep sense of joy and love, that was tangible.
It was the first wedding my girls have gone to and boy, oh boy, did we have fun together.
After the busy hecticness of our lives lately, having fun together was a priority.
And we did, we danced until midnight, all of us!
My girls were such fun to dance all night with!
Feeling so grateful!

#InMyStudio - stolen moments....

My weeks are so manic at the moment.
I don't cope too well with the crazy schedule.
I need quiet and calm and these two things seem to be eluding me at the moment.
Which hasn't left too much time for creating and that isn't easy for me.
So I chose to stay home this Saturday, while the others surfed...
Just to be quiet and paint and recharge my batteries.
I'm just working in my journal at the moment and I'm loving the stories that are unfolding here for me.
They feel deep and emotional.
And I'm just working with it!

I looked for you but didn't find you here

I'm totally loving this piece
I've started prepping another two journals and I think I'm going to continue to play here for a bit...
I have some other homework coming up and prepping some canvas' as we speak.
I also have 3 paintings ready for framing, which I will deliver this week!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

#InMyStudio - ADayintheLifeofFlowrs

A Day in the Life

A stolen day
Just for me.
It's my birthday!
Beautiful Butterfly Kisses
and Cuddles in bed
Cool Misty Morning, so grateful!
Over my beautiful mountain and sea
Seeing that daily is so special for me.
Breakfast with my love
Quiet moments, to myself.
A slow drive into the city
A gentle walk by the harbor
A beautiful hour in the presence of Da Vinci
And his Mona! Was like heaven to me.
A soya latte - my treat!
Sweet messages all day, are beautiful to me.
A little shopping spree
Precious moments InMyStudio
Because it's my birthday
A day stolen, just for me!
A little poem and photographic homework for the week
Poem writing isn't my forte and it's not something I'm ever comfortable with.  So I kept it loose and easy just giving you a glimpse into my day... but am pushing myself to at least try the poem writing part of this course.

The assignment was to capture moments in my day and make a collage that tells a story.

Funny enough I found it harder than I was expecting... but living consciously is always something I'm striving for.  Capturing moments in each day that tell a story is beautiful and it makes you so aware not to take anything for granted.
I love that about the smartphones - the camera is always readily available!

Even when you look like a tourist in your own city!

#InMyStudio.... Homework Homework Homework

I'm slowly working through my homework, not all of it but some.  I'm not putting myself under pressure about getting it all done all in the prescribed week - because life is too busy but I have the whole year to work through things and mature and grow through and each task... I am also waiting for some reference books to arrive... so I'm pacing myself.  Right now... I'm having the best time just trying new things and enjoying the creative play so much.  Showing up and taking active steps is always my goal.  Especially when I'm overwhelmed by new tasks... at the moment showing up is the hardest part.

 So I would say my Portfolio is finished for now (like my lantern... still things I can do but moving on for now).  But so thrilled with my inside and my sleeve covers.  I seriously hadn't planned it - it kind of just happened and it sure does beat blank white covers.
It's now officially holding art pieces.  It's wonderful having a place to store them.

I still have my one sleeve to finish.  I will be keeping it old fashioned like this for now...
  I finally started my new/old journals this weekend... I started by slowly gessoing the pages. And when that was dry, I started sticking very small amounts of ephemera down, limiting myself to one piece per page.  I found it so difficult in the beginning because I didn't really have a plan or vision for it.  I felt nervous.  I decided upfront that I wasn't going to get to attached to any page by perfecting it into a perfect painting but I just tried to keep it loose, fun and free.  Just starting was the key... before I knew it I was jumping from one page to next and I started really enjoying the "play" aspect of it.  It's really wonderful...
I can't wait to get back to more pages... dying to see what comes out next.

 Sometimes I feel I have to give myself permission to play, I seem to forget that and take myself all too seriously... (don't get me wrong - painting is such a joy for me that sometimes it feels like play) but releasing myself from the notion that every piece has to be sold or be a masterpiece is rather liberating.
And it not only allows my artist child to be messy and naughty but also adventurous.
To start with a tiny idea/image and letting it grow into a story, really does challenge the mind to get creative.

Monday, 3 February 2014

#InMyStudio - Artists Dates and beautiful finds...

Today I had a hour to myself.  Extramurals are in fullswing and I was waiting...
So after my early morning watching tutorial - I planned a pop in at a 2ndHand Bookstore.
I was on a mission to find some old books.
They had two bookshelves full of old collectible books.
And they were really cheap.  As I was leaving I discovered a basket full of music papers and books.
Omgoodness - I can't believe people throw these things out.
These papers and books, some were over 100 years old and only selling for $1.
Can't wait to start this weeks homework!
Although I'm not sure Kitty's going to let me paint in these beautiful treasures!
They are so beautiful and full of history and she finds that precious.
She's been trying to buy them off me all afternoon.
Beautiful tutorial! #FullCircleWorkshop

Last night I was working on fixing and finishing my portfolio.  The heavy watercolor paper and glue caused my front cover to concave a little.  I had a feeling once I prepped and worked on the inside covers that it will pull straight, and it did.  I'm thrilled to say! I feel my front cover is finished - I am so happy with my flowrs.
I painted a Modigliani on my inside cover... I still have to put some sleeves on to hold my artwork.  I will continue the dark across to the other inside back cover... but I'm not sure what I will do there... maybe I will do another Modigliani to continue the theme... and then it's just my back cover.
I am so happy to see the way this is turning out...  It's taking time but I'm thoroughly enjoying the process.

Still have a bit to tweak!

You can see how big this is... I'm in love with the size

Sunday, 2 February 2014

#InMyStudio - SuperImposing excedes my SuperExpectations


Wow I loved this weeks tutorials from FullCircleWorkshop
Getting creative using iPhotography and amazing apps!
And I can't tell you how thrilled I am that Misty is being so generous in sharing her creativity!
What a gift she's giving us!
I literally spent hours and hours playing with my new stylus and these apps!
I'm just sharing some of my favorite ones!
It's using layers and layers of pictures!
For someone who doesn't have photoshop - this is a much cheaper alternative!
And it can be done anywhere, anytime and anyplace.... like the parking lot while I'm waiting for the girls!
I'm totally inlove with the process and completely addicted!
To me this is a form of practice in becoming a better artist... it really helps with learning composition (where things are placed in/on the picture plane).  Sometimes that can be the hardest part!


Here I used images that Misty has shared in her classes over the years and the line drawing was a template from last years course, FacetoFace  journal homework assignment.  In the second image I used #waterlogue to give it the watercolor affect.

This is my selfportrait photo from my Project40 that I used #waterlogue app to make it look like a painting!
I'm so loving the creative play!  I do believe it's crucial part of being a better artist too,
creating and letting your inner artist have lots of fun!

Saturday, 1 February 2014

#InMyStudio - Let your Light Shine Through!!!

FullCircleWorkshop - Lantern homework - thanks Misty!
Yay - I'm calling my lantern finished for now and she's hanging #InMyStudio
(even though I have one face still to paint).  I will go back to and finish her a bit later.
I knew from the beginning I wanted my lantern to be filled with ladies!
Like another artful gathering... 
And I guess I wanted it to be very soft and feminine.
The best part of my lantern is I had a tiny piece of my grandmother's lace left
and I've been saving it for something special... and it fitted around, exactly perfectly!
I love synchronicity like that.
Not only that - but the light shines through the lace, like the tiny holes on the card.
I did each panel on different days but I tried to keep with the theme of the small holes all the way around!

I'm so thrilled with the outcome but even more thrilled with the light shining through!
However, I have to say my back, neck and arm aren't feeling so thrilled...
I'm riddled with knots and spasms. I'm going to have to do some light painting later, just taking it easy!
Who says being an artist isn't hard work ;-)  

A little video clip of my hanging lantern