Friday 10 January 2014

#InMyStudio - what's been happening...

December has been one of my quietest months #InMyStudio
My creative mojo has been low... although I haven't been doing much creating... 
Things have been happening!  Here's little glimpses...

I sold this little lady a few months ago.
But she came back to me... 

I signed her after I sold her and my purchaser wasn't happy with where I signed her.
It took her 6 weeks to find her way back to me.  She's now a well traveled lady of the world.  I'm happy to tell you, I managed to save her and fix her and she's currently on her way back over the seas.  It was a valuable lesson I learnt - that the image I load in my shop must be finished in it's entirety...
complete with signature.  Luckily for me, my purchaser was so willing to work with me and I feel like I made a new online friend.

I'm happy to tell you this piece sold on New Year's day.
What a gift to start my year off with a sale!
Thank you!
It's still one of my favorite pieces.

I've been working in my DiaryofFaces Journal.
I did two new faces in my Diary and hoping to work through some more tutorials and faces next week.
I started my year off with going to see the Irma Stern Museum... completely inspired!

I started this painting on Friday - it was awesome to be back #InMyStudio!
Been too long... this sure felt good!

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