Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Time out and creative play with a difference...

It was wonderful to put everything down this long weekend to getaway.  From work, the studio, technology, school and routines.  The weather was perfect - not too hot or cold and our surrounds... so beautiful and so creative.  It's amazing when you don't have props (like art supplies) and wifi - you see the creative in everything and in normal things around you.  Even in your coffee cup...  It also allowed us to play creatively with our iphotography and with this landscape and lighting - it was a canvas with a difference.  I love seeing the girls on our trips away - they change a little, grow, connect deeply and come alive!  It's so good for them and for us to take these moments away!

We didn't drive all weekend - and we walked everywhere we went!
It was such a treat to really shut down the noise and switch off!

Lost in time
 A beautiful interruption in life to be quiet and gentle with time. 
Creative play with a difference...
I did take some needlework with me this weekend - as I was working on a project... I have never done this kind of work before so I was completely out of my comfort zones.  I had no fabrics so I had to go out and buy some cottons and linens and lace.  This little piece was inspired by a new online friend I've made this year Constanza Berger.  Her needlework is out of this world.  I ordered a beautiful pinnie from her Etsy Shop and I can't wait for it to arrive so I can see her exquisite handiwork in person.  Constanza bought one of my pieces this year and it's how we became friends and we are in some of the same art classes too.  She's uber creative.  Her medium is needlework (her words) but I think she's incredible with everything she puts her hand to.  I am so grateful that we can learn from each other in our different mediums.  And I'm definitely learning that creativity isn't only in one place (like painting) but it's inside of us, deep inside and that it comes out of our hands, from our hearts!  And it's to live it daily not only in the form of homework but as a way of life.

So the theme for this piece was using neutral colors which was a bit tough for me (although I love neutral colors) I love the brights too and I wanted to include a little ethnic fabrics in here, pieces of Africa - so the red and blue pockets are the ethnic pieces I could include without impacting too much on the neutral theme.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

#InMyStudio - EvolutionofaPainting

When I was downloading my photos and filing them,
I came across my older pics of my Klimt inspired piece from the beginning.
I was a bit shocked at my first layers and how hard her face was... 
and why I kept going back to work on her - because I clearly wasn't happy with her.
It's something I've always done - taken pictures along my journey... 
And I'm so glad I did because I've been able to track her progress and seeing it like this has been a delightful surprise for me.  I'm rather chuffed with my final outcome!
So grateful for progress!

Monday, 21 April 2014

#InMyStudio... my Klimt inspired piece gains momentum

I hadn't planned to work on my very unfinished Klimt inspired canvas this weekend...  I've gone back to this face a good few times already and I finally found the gentleness I've been looking for with it.   I finished off my poppies and did more layers and started working on her dress which is truly remarkable with the detail.  I know my efforts to ever simulate Klimt are almost impossible because the detail on his pieces are truly remarkable... and a little out of this world.  My feeble attempt at this is barely scratching the surface.  But it did get me thinking what an incredibly interesting guy he must have been and what was going on in his head when he was painting.  But what I have realised, is how much I love detail work and how much I love working with tiny brushes, I think as much as I love painting big.  And how wonderful to experience both in one piece.  I still need to do more layers on her dress.  But to me the biggest job on this piece isn't the dress or her face or the detail work.  For me, it's going to be her incredibly elegant hands.  I'm not scared about them, I'm looking forward to doing them... I know it will complete this piece hugely!  I'm so grateful for the time #InMyStudio to play.  I have had so much on my mind!  And this was a lovely piece to get a little lost in!

#InMyStudio - Sculpture finished... I'm hooked!

 After I finished her beautiful heart and wings I thought I was done.
But every time I thought about her, I knew I had to give her arms - and I wanted her to be holding something.  

I originally thought that she would be holding a heart... but she ended up with flowers.
She feels more complete to me now.  I really love her.

I have to say I absolutely loved the process of creating a sculpture and I hope I will be able to do that again soon.  I have a fear it might be a once off thing but I'm def hoping to grow in this... I have some chapters in my art books that do paper clay sculptures and I'm def going to be adventuring further down this road!

This sweet angel girl will be getting a sandpaper and smoothed off and some cracks dealt with... and then she will be ready to be shipped... she has a new home!
She's a gift, she goes with a message and she goes with love!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

#InMyStudio - the Sculpture continues...

I had an idea that I wanted wings to go down her back... but when I sat down to try and do it - well it was another story... And let's be honest - I don't have a clue what I'm doing...
Yip - my hands were feeling clumsy again!

Eventually I started getting a bit of momentum!
And funny enough it was working it up in layers!!  I guess like any painting... layers upon layers!
I understand that - so I started to relax into it.  It was so hot on Sunday so the clay was drying faster than I was working but I managed to finish the first wing - and I'm totally loving it.
It definitely took on it's own direction but once again, I went with it and I am loving the shape and form!
Looking forward to finishing her final wing and then I will start to decorate her!
For now - I want to keep her this raw, natural color.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

#InMyStudio - a walk through creating a mixed-media Icon

I spent about 2-3 weeks searching for embellishments to use on this 3D mixed media Icon Homework Assignment.
I wasn't too lucky finding things - so I decided to use paper clay to create some of my own.
I made my halo and other discs and created some hearts!  I actually loved making everything from scratch.
When I was out and about, I found more small things... like ribbon, lace etc.
I couldn't find a place that was easy to get to, to get pieces of wood.  It will have to be an outing!
So I used a canvas board, which I prepped with Modelling paste.
Playing with my design - I love the way paper clay dries.

Last night I finally got a chance to play!! My canvas had been ready all week.
I watched Misty's tutorial a good few times and followed my teacher.
She's incredible!
Following a tutorial really does help you learn and grow!
Once I got the gist - I was able to start moving in my own style and direction!
I am so grateful for these lessons - I'm learning so much!!!
I am loving learning so many different aspects to the creativity of being an all rounded artist as opposed to just one facet of it!  I'm kind of blown away about that!  And it's new ground for me!!
And I like it.  A lot!

Starting to paint her.
I felt nervous!  Her face was so tiny I had to use a 00 brush!
But when she started to appear - I felt encouraged!

So thrilled with her.  She feels like a promise to me... a promise of September!

#InMyStudio - a little Sculpture Play

I started this piece about a year ago when I played in Heather Basson's studio with Annie Hamman, when we were doing the FacetoFaceWorkshop.  It was such a treat to create together.  But when I got home I let her dry and then never got a chance to get back to her...

In the past few weeks since we have been doing bits of paperclay sculpture in class,
she's been calling me to finish her.... and I've had an idea how to go about it.
So last night after I finished painting... I started building up her torso and lower body.
I filled her with newspaper, sacking cloth and wrapped that with red masking tape.

This morning I started adding the clay!

Leaving her here today to dry...
I'm already loving her!  Her shape and form.
I would love to tell you I planned this piece but because I'm such a novice with clay -
I assure you this pieces feels like one happy accident after the next.
At this stage - I'm not sure I will be able to do this again!

I am planning on doing wings down her back.
I have something in mind - I am hoping I will be able to put it together!
I am loving working with paper clay - I love that it air dries!
And I love the process - it takes me to another world and I could spend hours there!

Sunday, 6 April 2014

#InMyStudio... a beautiful studio day!

So I'm not sure about you - when I have so many options to do #InMyStudio and I'm excited about doing all of them - I end up doing nothing!!!!  I literally sat staring at my studio desk for about an hour this morning before I decided to sort out my photos and maybe something would call me... and it did - actually it's been calling me for about two weeks now.  And today I found the courage.

I did something the other day with my oils - just a 5 minute little thing and I got a little excited because I had a feeling the way I would use my oils now would be different from the way I used to use them.

So I was a little curious... and I was right!
The way I used them today was completely different - and oh my goodness - it felt so lovely!
I could sooooo get back into them!  I have a ton of oil paints and for the first time in a long time, I feel encouraged to continue to grow with them.  All I want to do is play some more... 

About a year ago - I hung up my oilpaints - I was frustrated and annoyed with myself.
I needed something.  I needed a break.  And I needed to grow!
I do believe this was one of my last oils and now you can see why...
Yikes that yellow hair... Ummmm - NO!  Just NO!
Thank goodness for growth!  It's good to see it!

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

#InMyStudio - a little make over...

 I do feel like I am growing in my abilities.  Yet I know I still have such a long way to go.
I recently went through a bit of a dip and have been frustrated with myself and where I'm at because I still want to go deeper...

I am currently working on being more expressive with the paint and trying not over blending or overworking pieces.  I'm rather happy with this sweet little face!  

Looking to dive deeper into some portraiture work.  

#InMyStudio - daily art. homework. assignments. creative play

I'm happy to say I'm up to date with my work work.
Which has left me with more time to be #InMyStudio and catch up with some homework... 
I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed because I haven't been getting to my homework and sometimes that can silence me into total paralysis and complete avoidance.
To me, the challenge is just showing up!
The past few days, I've managed to show up everyday!

A while back I made some paper clay items (homework).
I found it extremely difficult and I wasn't overly impressed with myself.
So I put them aside but this week I painted them and I'm totally loving the finished product!

How cute is that figurine painted - my girls love her so much.
They have asked me to make them each one.
#FolkArt Clay pieces

#FolkArt PaperClay Bell

My Studio was topsy turvy all weekend because we were painting my studio workstation.
So I only managed to do one small painting.  I have to catch up on some painting,
the values lessons and portraiture.  Can't wait to get there.

I loved the Icon Painting homework so much but I've found it hard to get the supplies I needed for this assignment.  Finding the right embellishments has been tough and even finding the right wooden board.
So I resorted to making some of my own pieces for this assignment!
Can't wait to put this piece and painting together!
Last night I meant to paint my last 4 Sunflowrs on the #BigCanvas but skirted that
{like I usually do before I end a piece}...
so ended up putting my #SelfContained homework book together!
Now I just have to find a time capsule box for it.
I will share more of this #artjournal shortly.
I want to do more of these books as part of creative play and searching.
Out of these wonderful books come new ideas for bigger paintings - creative play def leads to great imagination and ideas!

Each page has a prompt to trigger spreads and art pages - 
I love...
I remember...
I see...
I am...