Sunday 6 April 2014

#InMyStudio... a beautiful studio day!

So I'm not sure about you - when I have so many options to do #InMyStudio and I'm excited about doing all of them - I end up doing nothing!!!!  I literally sat staring at my studio desk for about an hour this morning before I decided to sort out my photos and maybe something would call me... and it did - actually it's been calling me for about two weeks now.  And today I found the courage.

I did something the other day with my oils - just a 5 minute little thing and I got a little excited because I had a feeling the way I would use my oils now would be different from the way I used to use them.

So I was a little curious... and I was right!
The way I used them today was completely different - and oh my goodness - it felt so lovely!
I could sooooo get back into them!  I have a ton of oil paints and for the first time in a long time, I feel encouraged to continue to grow with them.  All I want to do is play some more... 

About a year ago - I hung up my oilpaints - I was frustrated and annoyed with myself.
I needed something.  I needed a break.  And I needed to grow!
I do believe this was one of my last oils and now you can see why...
Yikes that yellow hair... Ummmm - NO!  Just NO!
Thank goodness for growth!  It's good to see it!

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