Saturday 2 August 2014

#InMyStudio... Including hands with creative play

"Draw Close to me - I want to tell you the stories of my heart"

So I had some bits of off-cuts from an old painting background lying around #InMyStudio
so when I was tidying up this afternoon - I decided to just mess about on them with my StabiloAllMarks.
I love that pencil.

I first started with this little one below - I stuck to the monochromatic idea, just using the StabiloPencil and TitaniumWhite.  It was mainly a fun exercise to keep it loose and mainly use what paint markings were already on the off-cuts... like the red hints and the patterns in the hair and add to that.  As you can see on the one above... the markings and lines in their dresses is just the background I left showing through!

Another objective of this fun play was including hands.  If you look at all my paintings or drawings, in the past few weeks... I'm trying to include this aspect.  They aren't perfect or realistic and they are mostly indications - but they are emotive... And I'm absolutely loving that!

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