Wednesday, 16 January 2013

#InMyStudio - Who Am I?

We are 7 days away from our course starting and the anticipation in the class is awesome!  Misty started off the class with a little icebreaker... with an intro video clip and some delightful prompts... 

Which have been swirling around my mind all week...

1.  WHO AM I?

I guess I am many things in this world, but the one theme I kept coming back to was that above anything else... from woman, Artist, friend, confidant or however anyone sees me or how I see myself... Above all this - I am a Mama.

  We made the choice to have children and it's not something that just happened.  I have known my whole life that I wanted to be a Mother more than anything else I ever wanted... and when they put my first daughter in my arms - I realized at that moment, I had been waiting my whole life for my own daughters.

My youngest daughter always calls me her Cottage.  I didn't understand what she meant so I asked her to explain...  When she looks at me - I am her modest, humble home!  One that represents comfort, safety.  Slightly old fashioned, vintage in style and I guess embracing like a sweet little cottage in the woods would embrace one!

So this is who I am - I am a Cottage...

Other questions...

2.  Are you the same at home as you are out?
Pretty much - I love authenticity above everything else.
So I try as much as possible to honor that.

3.  What is the most exciting thing you have done thus far?
I have done so many exciting things in my life, I moved out of home at 17, lived overseas for a while, traveled a lot but I think of late one of the most exciting things I've done was travel to Italy to meet Misty and other amazing artists.  It was completely exciting because I did it just for me!

4.  How many rooms are in the place I live?
4 Bedrooms, a sweet studio, a bit of a FarmStyle Kitchen and the rest the same as most other houses.

5.  How many Windows?
16 windows {hahaha funny question}

6.  What makes me different from my parents?
Everything... sometimes I think they wonder where I came from!!
But I know they still love me!

7.  What is forever?
Love... Grace... Heaven!

8.  What do I need?
Time. Silence. Acceptance. Family. Love. Understanding. Home. Gentleness.  Kindness. Ocean. Running. Painting. Authenticity. Laughter. Honesty.
{not in any specific order}

9.  What do I want?
Pretty much all of the above.

10.  What does the world need?
Tolerance.  Kindness.  Grace.

11.  What do you think are the qualities of a fully lived life?
Lack of Bitterness.

12.  How many books are on my shelves?
We pretty much have a library - too many to count but I would have to say I have read about half of them.  My hubby and I have very different choice of books and half are mine and half are his.

13.  If you could travel anywhere through time, where would you go?
Hmm sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era and often think I would go back in time to a more vintage era because I am intrigued with things of old but maybe right now, I think I would just like to go back in time to see what I was like as a little girl.  I wonder if I was anything like my girls are now?

14.  What do I think about before I fall asleep?
I am a late owl usually so by the time I creep into bed, exhaustion has set in and the eyelids are shutting.

15.  Do you keep secrets?
I keep other peoples secrets if they ask me to but usually my life is an open book because I love transparency and vulnerability = connection!

16.  What makes me laugh?
My hubby.  He's a funny man and makes me laugh all the time.  And my daughters!  I am totally drawn to people who make me laugh!

17.  What is my fav time of the day?
When the house is sleeping and I am sitting in my studio painting, either in silence or with music.  I love this time - it's my time... time to reconnect with myself, my thoughts.  To listen.  Go over things and conversations in my heart. How to make things right!! 

18.  What do you think about when I hear the word Silence?
Longing... I love silence.  It's vital to me.
Not only in the quiet place but in a quiet presence of oneself.
I spent the last year silencing all the voices, expectations, have to's and have not to's.  Now the silence helps me hear for myself.
Love it!

19.  What do I want to remember most?
Happy memories.  Holidays.  My girls.  Surfing.
Moonshine on Whiskey Creek {fav holiday spot}

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