Sunday, 14 April 2013

All work and no play...

The price we pay for being away on holiday.... means I came home to a truck load of washing and ironing.  And lots of work to catch up on.  And I've committed myself to not sneaking to the canvas' that are calling my name until I'm up to date...
Happy to say my washing is back on track!
I'm almost there.

This weekend I started my detox program and I have to say it wasn't pretty.
After some blood works it's been established that I'm no longer to have cow's dairy of any kind and bread is out.  I am funny enough okay about the milk side of things but cheese is a bit ouchie and so is bread... I love bread... who doesn't.
I am allowed 100% whole rye... just not yet.
I am on the strict schedule for the next two weeks - but it's manageable.
I'm already in love with my new Soya Latte.
I'm already starting to feel the effects of my changed lifestyle.

Whenever we come back from Moonshine we are reminded about simplicity.  And it is totally in the simplicity of the lifestyle there that completely feeds our souls... I've come back renewed to still further simplify.  So this quiet weekend while I was detoxing and catching up with life, that's what I spent my time doing.  Spring cleaning and clearing out.  Being ruthless and unattached to things that need to move on.  It was so good and it's totally cleared my mind and spirit.  I also spent some time re-arranging some furniture to better suit our current lifestyles.  The girls are doing so much PC work for homework and assignments - I set up a space that is easy and fully functional for them.  My studio also had a bit of a move around and I'm totally in love with my new space.  And it's close to the family.

~ I'm so stoked with my new space - it just feels so right ~

Can you see all my canvas' waiting for me ???
I'm hoping to steal some time in the mornings and hoping by Wednesday to be back on track!!!
I have some postcards and commissions waiting for me.

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