Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Journeying back to health...

My folks introduced me to a program called Metabolic Balancing which you work through together with a physician.   After a full blood tests that covers 27 different things.  The results were sent to Sweden for food pairing etc.  My results came back quite interesting... 

The way I did food would have to change forever... No more cow's diary and no wheat whatsoever.  No nuts, seeds or berries.  A very limited non-acidic fruits and vegetables regime.  My selection of meats aren't bad and I can have any kind of seafood under the sun.  At first I was shocked at my rather limited selection of food that I felt a bit down about it.  Changing my lifestyle after 40 years wasn't going to be easy... shifting mindsets and my perspectives.

But after a very encouraging chat with a friend whose diet changed in quite a similar way - encouraged me that the changers changed her life for the better and health-wise she had never felt better.  So I dived right in because after all it was the improved health I was looking for.  I wouldn't exactly say I've been sickly... but just had insidious things plaguing me.  Well the results have been instantaneous... in the 4 areas that have plagued me for years... my nasal, stomach and skin.  And my weight of course... All of which I have seen a vast improvement in.  I'm happy to say that I have managed to shed 15 pounds in the process.  And I'm feeling really good.

Now this is my only treat... a Soya Latte, one a day if I am lucky.  It's the highlight of my day and it really does makes me happy knowing I'm going to have one.  I guess it's come down to that - just enjoying the small things again.  And knowing it's enough.

I feel like for the first time in absolute years that I've found something that makes perfect sense to me and has given me some definitive answers. I do believe I will be on this program for a long time to see the full health benefits.

I know this for sure... I will never have cow's diary in my life again or wheat.  And I'm grateful that I have alternatives... like soya and others.  My parents are goat diary farmers - so I have great options there too.  I feel like I have changed something deep inside of me... It's been on my heart for awhile to "journey back to health" and I do believe I'm on the right path.


  1. Sounds interesting, need to Google that. And now a part of you have been to my country, cool!

    1. hahaha - I also thought of that... The best results come from Sweden. :-)

  2. Wow amazing! So glad you've had such radical changes for the better.

    1. Thanks my friend. I can't remember when last I felt so well... So pleased about that!
