Sunday, 19 October 2014

#InMyStudio - Finding Shelter beneath your Wings

So I feel I have to show you how this piece progressed...

My daughters are very upset with me that I did this.
But I'm not upset!  I love that we can move forward and move on from pieces.
I would love to keep every piece but I physically can't.  I have a digital copy and that will always be part of my portfolio and a documentary of my growth.  But for me, each new stage is a new learning experience.  And I have to take that.  People ask me why I paint over old pieces and why do I love it so much?  Well because for me - it's like already having an under-painting to work on - and the textures and colors from that previous piece always comes through on the new piece.  In this piece - you can see the greens and oranges coming through from the previous painting - adding so much more interest.

These two pieces are worlds apart on so many levels, it's hard to believe it's the same piece at all - and I kind of love that... to bits, actually! Each one revealing where I'm at or where I was at. 

To be honest I'm loving these more muted tones from my usual bright vibrant colors... I guess just a new season!  To me the new one feels way more artistic - which I'm loving!




  1. Τι όμορφα χρωματα!

    Φιλιά απο Ελλαδα....

    1. Thank you so much - I had to use Google Translate!!! <3
