Monday 28 March 2016

Ahhhh at last... studio time!

15,5" x 20" x 1,5" on stretched canvas

Painting this piece after almost a month of no painting - was quite emotionally moving for me.
The reunion with my bigger brushes and much bigger than a teabag canvas...
Just felt so deep.  We aren't finished yet but it was such a joy to paint.
I didn't turn on my camera or time-lapse at first - but I am regretting that.
I just felt overwhelmed and nervous at first.

But once I was on my way - I did a time-lapse video.
I think I might be a little addicted to time-lapse recordings.
Watching myself paint in fast motion - is a little surreal.

But each new clip I make is helping me learn the new skill of editing - which is something that I used to be so afraid of.  Like all new things, I found it so hard and intimidating but now I'm finding it much more fun and loving the outcome.  Nice to record more than TeaBagGirls.

I spent the whole day #InMyStudio - while my others tinkered around on their own things.
I love slow bank holidays, so good for us - so beautiful to actually be home and quiet.


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