Saturday 28 February 2015

#InMyStudio - finishing pieces...

I so badly want to get back into my classrooms.
I feel like I've been a bit paralysed for the past while and I think I'm beginning to understand why.  I know my previous space wasn't right for me and it did prevent me from working in there.  And of course, there is the proverbial "busyness".  But I do believe the other reason has been having unfinished work.

I thought I would put all my unfinished pieces on my easel and start working through them.  I thought I had about 3 unfinished pieces, which I figured was pretty manageable.  Well actually, I had 6.  Not only did I have 6 but I had 6 really big pieces unfinished, 2 or 3 a little bit bigger than big.... the weight of that has been heavy on my shoulders and I think it's been blocking me from moving forward.
"... and I will embrace you with my whole heart" 40" x 30" Stretch Canvas

I started this piece 7 months ago - when we were learning about textured backgrounds on FullCirlceWorkshop... I started with great gusto, then Italy came and went, I did some work on it when I got back from Italy but finishing it was rather overwhelming because of the size...  It's the furthest I've got with this piece.  I am not sure if we are completely done with each other yet - but I am quite liking where we are so far. 

For now, she's up #InMyStudio for me to contemplate and study for the next while.

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