Friday, 18 September 2015

#InMyStudio - #1FaceaDay September

Oh I'm loving September and these simple graphite faces.... we are on number 260 and have 105 to go!  Soon we are going to dip into the double digits... and then the days are going to start dropping off rapidly.

I'm happy to say I'm keeping up and I'm loving doodling, scribbling and continuous line-ing.  I think I needed this - to go back to basics and find the joy in simplicity.

Sometimes I think we forget the humble pencil but she has brought me much joy this month.

I've also loved the freedom of play on the go and the freedom to draw up wherever I am, in the moment.


  1. You are so consistent with your blog! And these recent series are incredible. You are amazing!

    1. Thank you my dear friend. Much love always! I think my blog is a creative release for me to, and a place to talk, even if just for myself - thanks for popping in here <3
