We had a beautiful week, albeit hard too. It felt intentional.
Sometimes to make things happen, takes effort... but so worth it when you do.
I did many work-work hours this week. Which is always hard. Working until 1.30am two days in a row, on my PC - isn't great for me, physically, mentally or emotionally. But I had some insane deadlines. We are in Tax filing season. And getting those tax certificates ready for every person who worked for my clients - not an easy feat. The world of freelance film accountant - isn't as glamorous as it sounds. But I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
On Wednesday night we took our beautiful girls with us on our date-night because they are on holidays. And quite frankly couldn't stomach leaving them out. I love spending time together. It's still my favourite thing in the world. So we went too our usual spot and we had lots of silly fun together. My girls are taking their instamatics with them wherever they go... and we are finally having fun with them. And capturing instant memories.
Cape Town was off the charts perfect this week. I think April might be the best month of the year here. I think it has an Indian Summer vibe... Calm, warm days and outstandingly stunning, visually. I work in the City, so on one of the days after work, I popped across to meet Digz one afternoon at a beach spot with some work colleagues. It was spontaneous and intentional and I'm glad I did it. My inclination was to just head home but I'm so glad I made the effort to go. Because we made a special memory. I realised afterwards, it's like I have to give myself permission to have down time. I'm so grateful, I took the time. It was good to unwind from a hard week.
I took Friday off from work, all work.
It was the last day of the holidays. And I wanted to spoil the girls. We headed out to see a movie, The Theory of Everything. It was one of the most moving movies we have ever seen, being a true story, touched something in all off us. A powerful story of sacrifice and love... and to me, that is the ultimate Theory of Everything. I cried a lot. After that we headed to a small off the cuff place in town for Sushi - the girls favourite treat. And we didn't go big but it was such a treat.
We headed home and had cuddle time on the couch. A seriously beautiful day.
On our way out of the City this was the view of the harbour, it just took our breath away.
Cape Town has been so breath-taking all week,
Finding the emotion in those tiny hands
I didn't get to do as much art as I hoped this week because of work pressures.
But I feel like I had a bit of breakthrough on my hands journey.
These were some of the pieces from my time in the AppleOrchards, painted up.
My #1FaceaDay is still going well. I have a bit of maintenance work to do that side.
And homework from ArtEntwined Class continues. As does making time to do my lessons.
Can you tell, I have an autumn vibe to my pieces... eeeeck the seasons are affecting me.
Corks playing with her instamatic and our SandyLove.
Holiday chill time. Love this capture.
Yip, Cape Town still showing off this week.
On one of Digz early morning rides... The cloud cover high up, covering the city.
We are in for another gorgeous day today.
Making the most of them because winter is coming...