Wednesday 8 June 2016

Synchronicity at it's best...

Oh my goodness - I'm sooo excited because today registration opened.
For my Tiny Bags of Love class.

I'm nervous excited and really blown away by the excitement about this class.
It has totally meant the world to me.  I know I now have a beautiful job ahead of me...
of sharing my love for these sweetest Tiny Bags of Love.

And to be honest I can't wait to share this with you!

She is the face of Tiny Bags of Love
and for my upcoming Exhibition.

And to top it all off, my framers and printers contacted me today to say my works were ready.
When I opened my box of frames and when I unwrapped my prints - guess who was looking back at me. 
I couldn't believe the synergy on two different moments today.

My heart almost stopped.


  1. you are in the flow my dear buddy and it's beautiful to witness! so proud of you <3 well done!!!

    1. thank you my friend - your words are so encouraging - thank you!

  2. I am in your tea bags of love class and so excited. Will you be selling your little prints of them, perhaps as a set? Would love that!

    1. I have only printed off 3 of my teabag images so far. Let me know if you are keen and I will see what we can do. <3 and thank you - soooo excited for class and to meet everyone.
