Monday, 7 October 2013

#InMyStudio... A creative weekend in a nutshell!

So I woke up on Friday with a bit of cold.  Which is my worst thing in life!  I hate being sick.  I knew I would lie low this weekend - and I needed it.  I have my finger in many pies at the moment creatively and I'm thoroughly enjoying jumping all over the place.  Don't ask me why because I'm not usually like that but it's giving me so much variety - which I'm loving!  Guess it's helps you not get stagnant or bored.

As you know, I'm still tinkering around in Diary of Faces.  Which has helped me grow so much... maybe it has something to do with things of old!  I love old style paintings and I guess there is something in that that still draws me so much.  Here is a little video of what my Diary of Faces is currently looking like.  I think I need to do two more faces this week.
That's the first time I'm sharing a video clip - hope it works well.

{can't get video to work... but working on it}


In September I also signed up for Juliette Crane's Serendipity class that runs for a whole year - one or two projects a month.  It's way different that anything I've ever done.  I'm not finding it easy at all but I guess that's the point - to be challenged and to grow but most of all to learn different techniques.  Why I signed up???  I love her mixed media and background work and it's area I really want to grow in! I love that it's a year long and not too intense because I still have so much homework from my other workshops.

Project#40 - a Photographic Self Portrait project I've been working on since the beginning of the year.  As you can tell, I'm way behind schedule.  Without meaning to, Sunday has become my SelfPortrait day.  Having to plan for it a bit.  It isn't easy and sometimes it can take me all day to come up with the right image for a theme.  Ever challenged with this.  It's way more creative than you think.  As much as I'm uncomfortable and challenged - I am oddly loving it.  I don't find it easy but maybe one day I will!  This Sunday was "Overwhelmed - #08".  Will share more about this weeks theme on that blog.  08 down - 32 to go!!! A tad overwhelming... right?  Right!

I've been making handmade journals this past month.  And I've kind of fallen in love with it.  Don't ask me why because I'm not huge on working in art journals although I am growing in it.  My friend, Betty send me a Moleskin Japanese art journal the other day because we can't find them here.  So I decided to send her a handmade one back in return.  I've been working on that this weekend... it's made up of different papers, wall papers and canvas', paperbags etc.  It's also Japanese style... Will hopefully send off today! I hope she loves it as much as I do!

Digz has been doing some long hours on the bike this month for a big race he has coming up. Which has left me with some wonderfully long studio hours while the girls do their homework... I've been working on some of my own private projects lately, similar to The Storyteller.  On Friday I picked up some large canvas' because I was all out and working large scale is still my fav.  Here is a #wip shot of a large canvas I started yesterday.  There is so much to this painting - will share more in a separate post.

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