Tuesday 15 October 2013

#InMyStudio - A Little Grace goes a long way...

I am not sure if you remember this painting I started... literally months ago... like in July!
I called her Grace because someone said she looks like Grace Kelly.
(Click the link above and you can read about it)

It was one of those perfect mornings when I didn't even really feel like painting and I wasn't sure what to do when Grace literally flowed right out of my brush!
I never finished her!  You know when it feels so good, that if you continue it you might ruin it completely!  So she sat unfinished on my easel since.

I finally found the courage to finish her.  Believe it or not I only touched her hair, the flowr, the collar and the background.  The coloring has changed completely!
I made her hair a bit long with has just softened her face so much.
She is just simply delicate and soft!
There isn't anything detracting from her simplicity!
And I really like that!

Out of all my paintings, my hubby has loved this one from the most!
That's always a good day!

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