Monday, 28 October 2013

#InMyStudio - Serendipity Homework for October #2

Don't be too shocked... I know I was!
In fact, I was so shocked that I hid them away for a day or two.
And when I pulled them out - I was so delightfully surprised.
I am completely out of my comfort zones and don't really have a clue what I'm doing!
I used Indian Inks, Tissue Papers and painted both of these pieces mostly with my hands!
I'm not finding it easy at all but I'm hoping as I move through each assignment
that I will find more was to loosen up, discover new techniques and more about my inner creative self.

How you might ask???  Well I was doing a completely different painting last night and I found myself using some of the things I've learnt here... Thanks Juliette, I have to say that surprised me.
It's the layering and texture and depth that I'm hoping will all contribute to my overall growth as an artist!
I know this is just the beginning... but here's digging in!

Both of these pieces have already been claimed and going to new homes!
Who knew!

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