Wednesday, 20 March 2013

#InMyStudio... A bit of Breakthrough...

I was feeling really low the last few days (life catching me off guard) but also with my painting in general.  Been feeling frustrated with my oils and that never happens. And have been feeling so frustrated that my faces are appearing flat and lack shape and reality.  And just frustrated in my painting ability, in general.  I keep studying other peoples faces and I know I need to work on this... I have a long journey ahead of me.

I got home after life today at 6pm and took a nap, I was exhausted and I needed perspective.  I woke, had dinner and started painting... My faces needed work.  And I wanted to face the background because I needed to pull this piece together.  The white spaces can be so intimidating.  I also wanted to do something different on my background... I ended up painting for hours and really reworking areas and I'm so stoked.  Feel like I had a bit of breakthrough even if it was just for me internally.  There is real emotion in this piece and some of my edges around the faces are fuzzy and it's giving it a real old painting from the olden days feel.  I am loving that so much.  I am also starting to fall in love with their dresses.  At first the colors were distracting me but they have grown on me... Still have so much work to do.

I love how all the girls are touching and connected in some way.  Friends, sisters... little woman - connected by something, maybe their femininity.   


  1. wow girl. stunning. my favorite piece. you just keep getting better and better. and you have quite the knack for collage.. xo

    1. Hey Francesca - thank you so much. Those words mean so much to me. <3<3

  2. Oh I am so glad I found your blog! You know I love this piece too! You definitely achieved a connection in this painting.

    1. I am so pleased Stephani - I am so pleased you created your own piece too... how lovely!!!

      The connection was really what I was hoping for - so thank you for those kind words.

  3. stopped by to let you know I love your inspire me. xo Laura

    1. Thank you so much Laura. This piece has been so supported and been so good for my soul this week... so thank you!
