Sunday 24 March 2013

#InMyStudio - Loosening Up Homework and Postcards

So I started my loosening up homework and decided to save it for my
postcards that we have to send out this week...
We have to send to the person below us on the PostCard list and mine is none other than Misty herself... a tad bit nervous about this!!! But I have to believe that Misty enjoys receiving art just like all of us... so I am hanging onto that... :-)

I decided to use 4"x6" Canvas board because I did my postcards in Oil Paints... so my two pieces are currently drying out before post off this week.So the loosening up exercise was a challenging assignment for me and completely out of my comfort zones because of my tendency to blend.. but as I found myself blending, I physically stopped myself and went back to laying down paint loosely and using colors on the face that were out of my usual rep.  The above mess completely freaked me out and I thought I would never find my faces...

But I am happy to say I did...

But I am only posting these two interim pics here because they are both going out in the challenge... I am not sure how on earth I'm going to select other people from the list... But I'm thinking of something.

I am going away next week - so I will be picking up more 4"x6" canvas boards so I can continue with this challenge.  I loved this assignment in the end and it really did help me face fears and loosen up with the paint... it was glorious!!

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